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作者: 陕西专升本 更新时间:2023-03-17 18:45:42 分类:考试内容



英语的阅读理解一直都是拿分的重头戏,得阅读者得英语,阅读一直占领很大的篇幅,如果能抓住阅读的分数,英语这一科目的成绩就很可观了。因此,小编今天给同学们整理了2023陕西专升本英语阅读理解做题技巧 。

























Part II Reading Comprehension (50 points)
Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A. B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a sing line through the center.
Passage 1
An Adjustment to Price
Most American people hate repeating the same work endlessly, especially those who live in the West America. They try their best to make their life colorful and their work interesting. If they have to do the same regular work endlessly, they'll try to do it in different ways. Repetition and monotony are what they can't stand.
In the West of America there is a beautiful old mountain village which is well known for its straw hats. The villagers there can make many different styles of hats-hats for old gentlemen, for sweet and playful children and for beautiful young ladies. People often go there to buy hats.
One day there came a young tourist who entered a millinery shop and found a very nice hat costing five dollars. He said to the shop-keeper, "If you agree to sell at a cheaper price, I'd like to buy two hundred hats of this style." "No, you should pay me at least ten dollars each if you wish to get so many hats of the same style." The tourist could not understand.
"How's that?
"Well," said the shop-keeper.
"If you buy only one hat of this style, I can make it easily. If you order two hundred hats of different styles. I can also manage the business without much difficulty. However, it will bore me almost to death if you want me to make two hundred hats of the same style. So you should at least pay double price."
61. This story tells us ______.
A. that the American people don't want to do the same work again and again
B. how to buy a hat
C. that the straw hats were sold only to the mountain village
D. the price will be cheaper if you buy a lot of hats of the same style
62. How much did the nice hat cost?
A. Ten dollars were paid.
B. It cost five dollars.
C. It cost ten dollars.
D. It cost at least ten dollars.
63. The answer of the shop-keeper really made the tourist ______.
A. frightened
B. puzzled
C. Shocked
D. amused
64. Why did the shop-keeper demand the tourist to pay him double price for two hundred hats of the same style?
A. Because the shop-keeper couldn't make two hundred hats of the same style.
B. Because the shop-keeper hadn't enough straw to make the hats.
C. Because the shop-keeper didn't want to sell him so many hats.
D.Because the shop-keeper couldn’t stand repeating the same work endlessly.
65. "It will bore me almost to death" means ______.
A. that the shop-keeper was dying
B. that the shop-keeper was bored and would die at once
C. that it would be too long and tiring for the shop-keeper
D. it would tire out
Passage 2
It is exciting to apply for a job that really interests you. In making your application, there are a number of points for you to observe.
In your letter of application, aim to say just enough to introduce yourself. If you are answering an advertisement, any information for which it asks must, of course, be given. This will usually cover your school record and any further education and training. You may also be asked to give the names of one or two persons to supply references. For this purpose you should choose people who know you well enough about your character and ability; and you should also ask for their permission to be named as referees.
It will depend on circumstances how much you can usefully add about yourself. Your purpose is to bring to the notice of the boss any good reason why you rather than any of the other applicants(申请人) should be chosen for the job. If therefore you feel you have any special skill for the work or, for example, any particular interest in the line of the business, let this be known.
Finally, there is your use of language. You cannot go wrong if you keep your sentences and paragraphs short, making sure the sense is clear and well expressed. Choose plain words so long as they can express your meaning.
66.The aim of writing a letter of application is to ________.
A.tell the boss your school record
B.express why you are most suitable for the job
C.show your character and ability
D.give enough information about yourself
67.In your letter of application try to ________.
A.keep it as short as possible
B.give more information about your education and training
C.tell enough information in a few words
D.cover your school record fully
68.The author suggest you choose ________ so long as they can express your thought well.
A.simple words           B.ordinary words
C.direct words            D.words easy to understand
69.The underlined word “referees” means a person ________.
A.who is willing to comment on your character and ability
B.who writes reference books on bosses
C.to whom you are going to work
D.who is to examine the matter
70.The best title for this passage could be ________.
A.How to Find a Job
B.The Best Way to Write a Letter
C.Writing Letters to One's Boss
D.How to Write a Letter of Application

Passage Three
Doctors have known for a long time that extremely loud noises can cause hearing damage or loss. The noise can be the sound of a jet airplane or machines in factories of loud music or other common sound at home and at work. A person only needs to hear the noise for little more than one second to be affected.
An American scientist has found that using aspirin (阿斯匹林) increase the temporary(暂时的)hearing loss or damage from loud noise. He did an experiment using a number of students at a university who all had normal hearing. He gave them different amounts of aspirin for different periods of time, then he tested their hearing ability.
He found that students who were given four grams of aspirin a day for two days suffered much greater temporary hearing loss than those who did not use aspirin. The hearing loss was about two times as great.
The scientist said millions of persons in the U.S. use much larger amounts of aspirin than were used in his experiment. He said these persons face a serious danger of suffering hearing loss from loud noise.
71. Doctors have long known that ______.                 .
A.one may lose his hearing when he hears a terribly loud noise.
B.one may become deaf when he hears a loud noise.
C.loud noises can cause damage to the hearing of the young people only
D.common sounds at home are not harmful to the ear
72. This passage suggests that one’s hearing  ______.
A. will be damaged even if he has heard a loud noise for only little more than one second
B. will be damaged even if he has heard a loud noise less than one second
C. will not be damaged if he has heard a loud noise for only little more than one second
D. will not be damaged if he little more than one second to get ready
73. One conclusion you can draw from the passage is that aspirin  ______.                      .
A.makes hearing damage from loud noise worse
B.should never be taken more than four grams
C.can damage one’s hearing when it is given more than four grams daily
D.always increases hearing loss by two times
74. Millions of Americans are in danger of suffering hearing loss because they ______.                   .
A.take too much aspirin
B.often take air trips
C.like listening to loud music
D.have too much loud noises at home and at work
75. The American scientist did his experiment in order to find ______.                   .
A.how much aspirin would affect a person’s hearing
B.how much aspirin should be given in the treatment of the patients with hearing damage from loud noise
C.whether aspirin would increase the temporary hearing damage from loud noises
D.whether the people who had hearing damage should use aspirin


